Jana Schröder, 2020
Mit der Künstlerin Jana Schröder eröffnet die Kopfermann-Fuhrmann Stiftung eine von Benjamin-Novalis Hofmann kuratierte Ausstellungs-Serie, die in loser Folge Präsentationen mit Malerinnen der jüngeren Generation zeigt. Den einzelnen künstlerischen Positionen liegt jeweils eine herausragende Idee von abstrakter Malerei im 21. Jahrhundert zugrunde. Schröder selbst spricht mit Blick auf ihre Arbeiten von einer „Ästhetik des Gekritzels“. Ihre Werke sind geprägt durch Linien, die sich mal aufzulösen scheinen, dann wieder zu engen und fein rhythmisierten Gespinsten verdichten. Die stets als Serie konzipierten Werkreihen haben einen spürbar körperlichen Bezug von Raum und Zeit, sind Ausdruck individueller Gesten und Bewegungen. Der Katalog zeigt Werke aus den vergangenen 10 Jahren und enthält ein ausführliches Interview mit der Künstlerin.
Publishing house Kettler

Jana Schröder, 2018
Jana Schröder has developed a utterly independent position within her generation as well as in an international context. In columns, lines, grids, or delicately rhythmised webs she notes down the elusive movements of her hand. Single letters, at first, initials maybe, clearly marked and decipherable, yet illegible. Paperback in transparent PCV-jacket, 24 x 30 cm, 192 pages, 161 ills. German/English, Editors Christian Malycha, Inci Yilmaz ISBN978-3-903228-63-4

Corin Sworn, 2015
Corin Sworn is the fifth winner of the biennial Max Mara Art Prize for Women. This publication coincides with her installation Silent Sticks, inspired by characters and tales of mistaken identity from the Italian Commedia dell'Arte. A text by Whitechapel Gallery Eisler Curator, Daniel F. Herrmann locates this major commission academically and historically; and an interview with the artist by guest curator Bina von Stauffenberg explores the background to Sworn's working methods and practice. Paperback, 128 pages, 240 x 170 mm ISBN 978-0-85488-244-1

Carolin Eidner, 2017
The Langen Foundation is pleased to present works by Carolin Eidner (* 1984 in Berlin, lives in Düsseldorf) as part of her series of monographic exhibitions of recent artistic positions. At the center of Eidner's work, which completed her studies in Düsseldorf with Rosemarie Trockel, is the relationship between conceptual and physical aspects of objects and materials. The exhibition at the Langen Foundation will include recently created work groups of the artist and relate ground work from stacked plates of colored glass ceramics as well as wall objects from pigmented gypsum. The catalog accompanies the exhibition. ISBN 978-3-86206-648-3; EDITOR Christiane Maria Schneider, Langen Foundation, Neuss; in German & English

Corin Sworn, 2013
ISBN: 9780955858345 Binding: 3 x staple bound with flaps, in slipcase Pages: 3 x 16 Dimensions: 240 x 167 mm (slipcase 242 x 114 mm) A publication to accompany Scotland + Venice 2013 - an exhibition of new works by Corin Sworn, Duncan Campbell and Hayley Tompkins, three of the most consistently interesting artists working in Scotland today, presented by The Common Guild in the Palazzo Pisani (S. Marina).

Peter Bonde, 2016
Peter Bonde (b. 1958) is one of the most radical figures on the Danish art scene. Since the beginning of his career, he has explored the possibilities and limitations of painting, and maintained a constant curiosity to try things like race cars and waste as artistic material. Through countless style changes, he has managed to reinvent himself as an artist and to challenge the boundaries of the artistic genres. "This is not a painter - a book about the visual artist Peter Bonde" follows Bonde from the academy period in the early 1980s, where he began to exhibit with other of his generation's artists under the name The Young Wild Ones, over the international breakthrough when he represented Denmark at the Venice Biennale in 1999, and until recent This book is thus the first to describe Peter Bonde's total work.